What science can do

Annual Report and 形成20 f年报
Information 2020



Inspired by our Values and what science can do, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐专注于加速提供改变生活的药物,为患者和社会创造持久的价值.

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐致力于以一种认识到业务增长之间相互联系的方式运营, the needs of society and the limitations of our planet.


主席 & 首席执行官


Leif Johansson, 主席

我有信心,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐将继续为患者带来更多的进展,并持续下去, compelling results.

Pascal Soriot, Chief Executive Officer


Strategic overview


  • Focus on three main therapy areas: 肿瘤学; Cardiovascular, Renal & Metabolism (CVRM); and 呼吸 & 免疫学(右&I)
  • 专业和初级保健药物的多元化组合
  • Global strength, balanced presence across regions
  • Commitment to people and society


管道 progression events
(2019: 22)


Regulatory events
(2019: 63)


Total Revenue
(2019: $24,384m)


Employee belief that AstraZeneca is a great place to work
(2019: 86%)


Sustainability scorecard performance
(2019: 86%)


COVID-19 response

澳门在线赌城娱乐对COVID-19大流行的反应与澳门第一赌城在线娱乐遵循科学的价值观是一致的, putting patients first and doing the right thing.

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的优先事项是由患者、护理人员和社区的需求驱动的. To respond effectively, we partnered with governments, international organisations, healthcare practitioners, industry and non-profit organisations.

Our priorities


Financial Highlights

In 2020, Total Revenue, comprising Product Sales and Collaboration Revenue, increased by 9% (10% at CER) to $26,6.17亿年. Product Sales grew by 10% (11% at CER) to $25,890 million. 协作收入下降11%(按CER计算为11%),至7.27亿美元.

新药总收入增长33%(按CER计算为33%),达到13美元,9.5亿年, representing 52% of Total Revenue (2019: 43%).

Revenue and Cash

Total Revenue*                                   
Up 9% at actual rate of exchange to $26,6.17亿年 (up 10% at CER), comprising Product Sales of $25,890 million (up 10%; 11% at CER) and Collaboration Revenue of $727 million (down 11%; 11% at CER)


Net cash flow from operating activities
Up 62% at actual rate of exchange to $4,799 million                                    



// Denotes a scale break. All bar chart scales start from zero. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐在不同大小的图表上使用比例尺, but the same unit of measurement, are presented alongside each other.



Operating profit

Reported operating profit


Core operating profit



Up 137% at actual rate of exchange to $2.44 (up 142% at CER)


Up 15% at actual rate of exchange to $4.02 (up 18% at CER)


// Denotes a scale break. All bar chart scales start from zero. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐在不同大小的图表上使用比例尺, but the same unit of measurement, are presented alongside each other.


Sustainability Highlights

2020年,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐将继续朝着引领可持续发展的目标迈进. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐在联合国大会上提出了关于卫生系统复原力的报告, in support of broadening access to healthcare; progressed our Ambition Zero Carbon commitment, now sourcing 99.9% of our imported electricity globally from renewable sources; and deepened our commitment to inclusion and diversity by committing to ensure racial equity in our workplace and access to our medicines.

Access to healthcare

Access to healthcare

Our ambitions to 2025:


Our global development impact:

Progress in 2020:


People reached through our access to healthcare programmes
(2019: 20.5m)

Environmental protection

Environmental protection

Our ambitions to 2025:


Our global development impact:

Progress in 2020:


Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint
(2019: 385 kt CO2e)

Ethics and transparency

Ethics and transparency

Our ambitions to 2025:

Create positive societal impact and promote ethical behaviour in all markets across our value chain.

Our global development impact:

Progress in 2020:

49.1 cases per 1,000 employees

(2019: 63.3)

For more information on our targets and performance, and contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, 请参阅澳门第一赌城在线娱乐网站上的2020年可持续发展报告, www.澳门在线赌城娱乐.com/sustainability.